Sunday, January 22, 2012

God Provides

Thursday night in small group we were talking about God and how He provides. I can tell you over and over that He provides or you can look at your own life and see that. The conversation went to the issue of tithing. For young Christians or for young adults (18-30ish) the issue of tithing is one that can be difficult. I’ve experienced the pain of tithing…or lack their of. When it comes down to it, we have to make the decision to tithe. We have to get out of the mindset that it is about us. I think for most of us…it comes down to priorities. The Bible is clear on this issue.

6 “I the LORD do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. 7 Ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD Almighty.“But you ask, ‘How are we to return?’8 “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me.“But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’“In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the LORD Almighty. 12 “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the LORD Almighty. Malachi 3:6-12

Barna Research reports that only 7% of Christians "tithe” (give 10% or more of their income to God’s work. 90% of churches have no active plan to teach biblical financial or giving principles to their congregation. 85% of pastors feel unequipped, uncomfortable and untrained to teach biblical financial and giving principles.

Thursday, was a prime example of how God provides. As you know from reading this blog, Kristi and I are going to the most expensive city in the world (NYC) with no jobs in place. I’d be lying if I said that doesn’t cross my mind. In fact, I’m constantly reminded of this fact. The fact that the enemy is telling me how I’m going to fail. We know that God has called us. I recently read Perry Noble’s blog and he said, “if it’s God’s will, it’s His bill”. I believe this this! As I’m wondering how I’m going to take care of things, the Lord laid it on somebody’s heart to give and give generously. That’s what Christ calls us to do…Give and do so generously! After all…that’s exactly what He did for us. He gave and gave generously. You can NEVER out give God. I’d encourage you to bless somebody today. Be a blessing.

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